Effective Treatment for Prostatitis
The most common prostate condition among men under 50 is prostatitis – it affects 5-10 per cent of men during their lifetime.
Prostatitis can cause extreme, burning pelvic pain triggering an urge to urinate frequently. Inflammation of the prostate gland (found between the penis and bladder) is usually the cause of the condition. Many with the condition also suffer from lower back and abdomen pain, nausea, fever and in some cases, erectile dysfunction.
Various studies back the effectiveness of Shockwave Therapy for prostatitis. In one such trial, researchers assessed thirty men with prostatitis before and after Shockwave Therapy, measuring pain, sensitivity when urinating and erectile dysfunction.
After one month, three months and six months following shockwave treatment, researchers noted significant improvements.
A group of urologists recently teamed up with a number of men’s health experts from across the UK making calls for greater awareness of prostatitis, as research shows only a small number of those who suffer from the condition seek help. Known also as ‘the Cinderella syndrome’ of men’s health, prostatitis requires greater funding for research, according to various healthcare professionals.

Often men ignore the issue or assume it will go away by itself. Sometimes the symptoms come and go over several months – this is usually a form of chronic prostatitis. However, suppose you are experiencing the sudden onset of severe symptoms. In that case, you may have acute prostatitis and will require immediate medical attention.
Our skilled clinicians will be happy to discuss your symptoms with you and form a treatment plan. Treatment may depend on the type of prostatitis you are suffering from, there are four main types:
Acute bacterial prostatitis
Is when there is a bacterial infection in the prostrate, normally accompanied by sudden and severe symptoms. Immediate medical attention is required.
Chronic bacterial prostatitis
Typically a recurring bacterial infection in the prostrate, with medium to mild symptoms.
Chronic prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome (CP/CPPS)
Symptoms include pain when urinating, which may come and go. You may also have pain in the prostate gland, located between the penis and bladder. This is the most common of the four types of prostatitis. Often the condition is referred to as ‘nonbacterial prostatitis’.
Asymptomatic inflammatory prostatitis
This type of prostatitis rarely requires treatment as no symptoms are presented. The majority of people with this condition will find out following a test for other urinary tract or reproductive disorders.
Book an appointment
To book your appointment, fill in the form, call 02476 222 002 or email info@centralchiropracticclinic.co.uk
Opening Hours
Monday: 8 am – 7:30 pm
Tuesday: 8 am – 7:30 pm
Wednesday: 8 am – 7:30 pm
Thursday: 8 am – 7:30 pm
Friday: 8 am – 6 pm
Saturday: 9 am – 1 pm
Out of hours appointments are available for an additional fee.
Central Shockwave Therapy ED Clinic
12 Park Road, Coventry, Warwickshire. CV1 2LD