What is Peyronie's Disease?
‘Why is my penis curved when erect?’ Most men in this position do not feel comfortable asking this question. A slight bend to the left or right is usually normal. Suppose you have a more noticeable bend in your penis which causes pain when your penis is erect. In that case, you may have a condition called Peyronie’s Disease, where scar tissue, known as plaque, forms in the erectile tissue of the penis.
Our skilled clinicians use a Shockwave device – which resembles a wand – to encourage soundwaves to break up scar tissue – called plaque. The healing process begins with the formation of new blood vessels, which should help you achieve more satisfactory erections.
As with similar conditions, Peyronie’s Disease is far more common than you might imagine. Around 10 per cent of the male population suffer from Peyronie’s at some stage in their lifetime. It is most common among men over 50 – although men as young as 20 also present with Peyronie symptoms. There is currently very little clinical evidence regarding the causes of the condition, although most experts believe it is hereditary or caused by physical damage to the penis during sexual activity.
Shockwave Therapy and K-Laser Therapy
For treatment using shockwave or K-Laser, book an appointment now with Central Shockwave Therapy Clinic.
Hands-on Physiotherapy
For hands-on physiotherapy, call Ascenti on 0330 678 0850. They are also located at 12 Park Road, Coventry. www.ascenti.co.uk
Peyronie’s is non-cancerous and does not affect fertility or any other part of your body, however, it rarely goes away without treatment, and symptoms are likely to worsen without attention. The sooner you can receive treatment, the more chance you have of becoming symptom-free. If you have had the condition for an extended period, treatment can relieve symptoms, sometimes completely.
The symptoms of Peyronie’s Disease include:
- A hard lump or thickened area in the penis’s shaft
- Pain in the penis during erection
- Noticeable curved in the erect penis
- Hourglass penis, a tight, narrow band around the shaft
- Shortening of the penis – loss of length or girth

ED Clinics Peyronie’s disease risk factors have been identified, including:
- Trauma or repeated injury to the penis
- Increasing age
- Having Dupuytren’s contracture, which is a connective tissue disorder of the hands and been link to Peyronie’s disease
- Genetic predisposition to developing Peyronie’s disease. A male relation in your family has this condition, you have much a higher risk of developing it yourself
- Peyronie’s disease may be caused by repetitive microtrauma to the penis over a period time
- PD most commonly affects men in their sixties, with men being typically affected between 55-60 years old
The pathophysiology unclear, minor trauma, genetic predisposition, risk factors are poor circulation likely play a role.
Focused shockwave therapy is an incredibly effective treatment for a wide range of injuries and conditions.
At our ed clinics in Coventry, we have a passion for getting people moving better and more. Our philosophy is to find the root cause of your problems through our thorough assessment and diagnosis, find the fastest way to alleviate them, and then work with you to prevent them from reoccurring.
We use different techniques to relieve pain, improve movement, and promote overall health and wellbeing.
At Central Shockwave Therapy Clinic we use the latest Focused Shockwave Therapy to treat Peyronie’s Disease. The process is painless and non-intrusive. There is no recovery time needed and no medication is required. Shockwave sessions typically last under 30 minutes.
There are two main phases, acute and chronic:
Acute phase:
Lasting from six to 12 months, this is when scar tissue forms under the skin of your penis, altering the shape – often a noticeable curvature. When your penis is erect, you are likely to feel pain.
Chronic phase:
Usually, the chronic phase will begin between 12 – 18 months after you first notice symptoms. Scarring and shape alteration may have stabilised. Pain also may reduce. However, at this stage, Erectile Dysfunction may develop, where you struggle to achieve an erection.
Shockwave therapy is a vital part of rehabilitation, helping people affected by injury, illness, or disability to regain movement and function, shockwave may also help to prevent disease and manage pain.
Shockwave therapy can be extremely beneficial for patients, helping them to stay at work, remain independent for as long as possible and improve their quality of life.
Conditions we can help with include:
- Erectile Dysfunction
- Heel pain
- Hip pain
- Foot and ankle pain
- Elbow pain
- Shoulder pain
- Sports injuries
- Knee pain
If you’re looking for relief from your pain and want to get back to enjoying life, our shockwave therapy clinic is the place for you. Book a consultation today and let us help you get moving again.
ED Clinics Birmingham for Peyronie’s disease.
At our ED clinic, we’re proud to offer our patients a wide range of modalities and treatments, which can help to treat everything from repetitive strain injuries and sciatica to sports injuries and joint pains.
Our physiotherapists are all registered with the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy (CSP), and the General Chiropractic Council, GCC. and the British Chiropractic Council, BCA so you can be sure you’re in safe hands.
We offer appointments at a time that’s convenient for you, and we have a clinic located in the centre of Coventry that’s easy to get to.

How much does it cost?
Chiropractic or Physiotherapy: £45 per session
Shockwave Therapy: from £70 per session
Chiropractic consultation £50
Consultation /Assessment & Treatment: £95
Shockwave Therapy for ED – pre paid, discounted to £900 for 6 sessions
X-Ray: £100 per area
GP Letters: £40 (pre-paid)
Book an appointment
To book your appointment, fill in the form, call 02476 222 002 or email info@centralchiropracticclinic.co.uk
Opening Hours
Monday: 8 am – 7:30 pm
Tuesday: 8 am – 7:30 pm
Wednesday: 8 am – 7:30 pm
Thursday: 8 am – 7:30 pm
Friday: 8 am – 6 pm
Saturday: 9 am – 1 pm
Out of hours appointments are available for an additional fee.
Central Shockwave Therapy ED Clinic
12 Park Road, Coventry, Warwickshire. CV1 2LD