Erectile Dysfunction treatment can be expensive, especially in London. The capital’s clinics charge an average of £300 per session for ED shockwave treatment, meaning a programme of basic treatment is likely to cost around £2,000. Often, London clinics will add supplementary fees for additional services that do not particularly improve the treatment’s outcome.
At Central Shockwave Therapy Clinic in Coventry, we charge £780 for six sessions including an initial consultation. No hidden costs. Our clinic is a 3-minute walk from Coventry train station. A London Euston return ticket price booked in advance costs around £30 while the journey can be made in under an hour – the average time is 1 hour 20 minutes. For further details see the link here:
There are indeed some wonderful clinics in London, as well as some we’d advise patients to steer clear of, regardless of costs. At Central Shockwave Therapy Clinic, you get first class treatment at around half the price – it’s for these reasons we see scores of patients each month make the 85-mile journey from London to Coventry.